How to Deal with Stress and Change
It’s constant. You switch positions. Have more to do with less resources. Need new skills. Then, the technology changes. Or the...
Motivational Speeches Changed My Life — Forever!
Motivational speeches changed my life. I was in my 20’s when I remember hearing not just one talk – but a day filled with motivational...
Close More Sales – QUICKLY. Do I Hear A “YES?”
How To Close More Sales Quickly So. You want to get a raise. Close more sales. Get your fiancé to agree to a wedding date. You need a...
Customer Service Speaker Needed! Fast!
As a customer service speaker, here’s a big tip: Your service matters! And it’s not just your customers who notice. Here’s what...
Teamwork In the Workplace (Good Luck With That)
Teamwork in the Workplace Requires a Team Ready to Work Teamwork in the workplace is as desired by managers as Christmas to a youngster....
A Customer Service Speaker Gives You 11 Proven Ways To Increase Profits
As a customer service speaker, I study how to motivate… empower… boost morale… and keep employees working for your bottom line. Let...